Wednesday, March 13, 2013

10th continues day of strike of 1200 workers of Safa Pipe Rolling factory

The workers of Safa Pipe Rolling factory in the city of Saveh resumed their strike on March 5th.
On January 5th the employer presented the workers a payment schedule for the six months delayed wages, but the employer failed again and again to meet the promised deadlines. Since then the workers could force the employer to pay 2 of 6 months delayed wages.

Based on the schedule one month wages were due on March 5th.
On March 10th, the sixth day of their strike, the workers announced that the employer should also pay the wages that were supposed to be paid at this day.

In the wake of strike of 1200 workers, the employer deposited one of 4 months pack wages into their accounts on March 10th, but the workers refused to return to work and are still on strike.