Even the Secretary of government-controlled Workers' House confesses that the working conditions coalmine workers of Tabas in Province Yazd is illegal.
Workers in private mines work 15 hours a day while working deep underground. This is the case in some private coalmining companies such as Madanju and Negin mines, despite their resent history of work-related accidents. This will have damaging effects on workers’ health in long term. According to Article 52 of islamic labour low, a workday should not exceed 6 hours per day and of 36 hours a week.
Tabas miners not only do not receive any benefits for hazardous occupation, but also work more than 15 hours a day and even their salaries and benefits are overdue.
They have to spend their resting time outside the mine inside rooms lacking any kind of facilities.These working conditions lead to serious diseases and injuries of mineworkers in long-term.
These workers receive around 500 thousand Toman per month.
Workers in the coalmines are working with a monthly contracts. At present, not a single employee has a permanent contract; the maximum employment in a mine is 6 months, this makes it impossible for the workers to follow up their legitimate demands from the employer.
There is no Employer supervisory and control at any mine in this area.
Currently more than 2,500 employees are working in the coalmines in Tabas. Employers abuse of the miners’ need for job. They are not willing to hire exhausted worker, and on the other hand, such exhausted workers have no chance to get any other Job.
In fact, the employers have to hire working personnel for four shifts and each shift should have shuttle transport.
News about the labor movement in Iran. Nachrichten über die Arbeiterbewegung im Iran. ترجمه اخبار جنبش کارگری ایران
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Sunday, July 29, 2012
La condamnation de Reza Shahabi a été confirmé par cour d'appel
Le communiqué numéro 33 du "comité de la
défense de Reza Shahabi", a déclaré qui le jugement précédent de Reza Shahabi
a été confirmé par la cour d'appel de secteur 36 de tribunal de révolution
Le jugement et la condamnation de Reza Shahabi
sont de 6 ans de prison, 5 ans d'interdiction de toutes activités syndicales et
une amande d'un montant de 7 millions Toman. cette décision n'a pas été
officiellement déclaré.
Mais l'avocat de Reza Shahabi qui a reçu cette
confirmation par cour d'appel, critique la condamnation et ajoute qui cour
d'appel a fermé ses yeux et donc n'a pas vérifié le dossier. mais par contre la
cour d'appel répond: "si le dossier avait besoin de vérification, le
tribunal précédent ne l'envoyait pas ici"! et cette réponse montre qui le
jugement est spectaculaire !
la condamnation de 3 ans de prisons pour Pedram Nasrollahi
Pedram Nasrollahi (Nebez); est condamné à 3
ans de prison par tribunal général et révolutionnaire de ville de Sanandaj.
cette condamnation comme les articles et code pénale 499 et 500 de la république
islamique donnent 1 an de prison à cause de propagande avec la collaboration de
l'un des partis politiques d'oppositions au régime islamique d'Iran(qui Pedram
comme toujours a fortement rejeté cette accusation), et 2 ans de prison pour
etre membre du "comité de coordination pour aider à réaliser les
formations d'ouvriers".
il faut ajouter qui après 20 jours de la
décision et la condamnation, le condamnée peut faire d'appel.
IUF: Iranian sugar union leaders under new police pressure
Leaders of the IUF-affiliated independent Haft Tapeh sugarworkers
union in Iran have come under renewed police pressure as part of the
regime's escalating crackdown on trade union activists.
The union was founded in June 2008 following a 42-day strike to demand long-standing arrears. Since the union's founding, leaders and activists have repeatedly been jailed and harassed, and workers at the giant sugar cane plantation and refinery have repeatedly had to resort to strikes and other actions to claim huge wage arrears and protest deteriorating working conditions.
Other independent trade unions and labour rights organizations in Iran report similar pressure from security agents to dissolve their organizations.
These worker rights defenders need international solidarity and support - click here to send a message to the Iranian authorities demanding that all charges against Ali Nejati be immediately and unconditionally annulled, that the stricken union leader be given all necessary medical attention and that union leaders and members are allowed to conduct their union activity free from harassment and persecution.
Please note that some messages may bounce back - do not be discouraged! Server overload is a common condition in Iran, and the authorities sometimes turn off their e-mail to tune out public opinion - but some messages will get through, making the point that persecuted labour rights activists enjoy international support.
Act now! - click here to send a message to the Iranian authorities.
Over the past 2 months, members of the union's collective leadership council have been repeatedly contacted by security agents and pressured to dissolve the organization and sign letters renouncing union activity in return for reinstatement to their former positions. Former union president Ali Nejati, who began serving a one year prison sentence for his union activity last November and is currently on medical furlough for heart surgery, has been threatened with imminent return to Dezful prison despite his condition, which doctors say is serious. Prior to his imprisonment last year Najati previously served 6 months in prison on the same charges and was then fired from his job which he had held for 25 years. Some - but not all - Haft Tapeh leaders who served time in prison have been reemployed on inferior terms at Haft Tapeh, but on temporary contracts which leave them vulnerable to instant dismissal.The union was founded in June 2008 following a 42-day strike to demand long-standing arrears. Since the union's founding, leaders and activists have repeatedly been jailed and harassed, and workers at the giant sugar cane plantation and refinery have repeatedly had to resort to strikes and other actions to claim huge wage arrears and protest deteriorating working conditions.
Other independent trade unions and labour rights organizations in Iran report similar pressure from security agents to dissolve their organizations.
These worker rights defenders need international solidarity and support - click here to send a message to the Iranian authorities demanding that all charges against Ali Nejati be immediately and unconditionally annulled, that the stricken union leader be given all necessary medical attention and that union leaders and members are allowed to conduct their union activity free from harassment and persecution.
Please note that some messages may bounce back - do not be discouraged! Server overload is a common condition in Iran, and the authorities sometimes turn off their e-mail to tune out public opinion - but some messages will get through, making the point that persecuted labour rights activists enjoy international support.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Reza Shahabi wurde an der Halswirbelsäule operiert
24.07. Gemäß des Kommuniqués Nummer 34 des
"Komitees für die Verteidigung von Reza Shahabi", ist Reza Shahabi an
der Halswirbelsäule operiert worden. Er leidet seit seiner Verhaftung im Juni
2010 unter starken Schmerzen in der linken Körperseite. Die Beschwerden sind
aufgrund der Verletzungen und Misshandlung bei der Verhaftung und auch während
der Vernehmung im Gefängnis entstanden. Im nächsten Schritt muss er auch an der
Lendenwirbelsäule operiert werden.
Arbeiteraktivisten im Gefängnis
18.07. Jalil Mohammadi und Ali Reza Asgari
wurden mit Hand-
und Fußschellen zum Verhör der Abteilung des Gerichts in der Stadt Karaj
geführt und dann von dort an das
zentrale Gefängnis dieser Stadt
transferiert. Der Bericht besagt, dass sie beide gute Moral zeigten, obwohl
sie sich in einem schlechten körperlichen
Zustand befanden. Das lässt erahnen, wie es ihnen in der
Zeit ergangen ist.
Urteil von Reza Shahabi bestätigt
des Kommuniqués Nummer 33 des "Komitees für die Verteidigung von Reza
Shahabi", hat der Zweig 36 des Berufungsgerichts der Islamischen
Revolution das Urteil für Reza Shahabi bestätigt. Das Urteil ist noch nicht
offiziell angekündigt.
Urteil setzt sich zusammen aus sechs Jahren Haft, fünf Jahren Verbot gewerkschaftlicher
Tätigkeit und einer Geldstrafe von sieben Millionen Toman. Dies ist die Summe
des Geldes, das von vielen Arbeitern für die Familien der inhaftierten Arbeiter
gesammelt worden war (deren Namen auf Websites dokumentiert sind), welches von
Reza Shahabi vor seiner Inhaftierung treuhänderisch verwaltet wurde.
Bericht zufolge antworteten die Beamten seinem Anwalt, als er die Bestätigung
des Urteils ohne eine erneute Prüfung des Falles kritisierte: "Wenn sie
wollten, dass der Fall erneut geprüft wird, hätten die Behörden ihn nicht an diese
Abteilung verwiesen." Diese Antwort zeigt einmal wieder, dass dies nur ein
Schauprozess ist.
Shahabi, Vorstandsmitglied und Schatzmeister der Gewerkschaft der Teheraner
Vahed Bus Company wird seit Juni 2010 im Gefängnis festgehalten.Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Shahabi underwent surgery on his cervical spine
24.07. According to the communiqué No. 34 of the "Committee for the Defense
of Reza Shahabi," Reza Shahabi had a surgery on his cervical spine. He is suffering
severe pain in the left side of the body since his arrest in June 2010. The
symptoms are a result of the injuries and harm during arrest and interrogation in
prison. Shahabi have to undergo the next surgery on the lumbar spine.
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