Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Protest at Bandar Imam Petrochemical Complex

Six hundred workers at Bandar Imam Petrochemical Complex gathered in front of the governor's office in city of Mahshahr for four hours. They demand the conversion of temporary contracts into permanent, direct contracts and also the elimination of sub-contractors. 
The recent workers´ protests in different companies of this complex is now getting more untied and even a number of workers with permanent contracts joined the protest despite the threats by the deputy security manager of the complex.

Sharif Saed Panah and Mozafar Saleh Nia summoned to the revolutionary court

Saed Panah and Saleh Nia, board members of the Free Union of Iranian Workers are summoned to put on trial for the fourth time since last year. They have to appear on 23th of February at 10 am in the court.

Saed Panah and Saleh Nia were arrested in January of last year by the security forces and were detained for about two weeks in Intelligence service of city Sanandaj Since then this is the fourth time that the two labour activists are on trial on false charges.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Third continues day of protest of the sugar can workers

Third continues day of gathering of the sugar can workers in front of the president's office building in Teheran city.
About 2000 seasonal sugarcane cutters are employed at the Karun Agro Industries Corporation located in Shuchtar city, in Khuzestan Province. Five hundred workers as representatives travelled to Tehran to stage protest and gatherings. These workers demand the implementation of job classification and early retirement as promised by the cabinet members. 
One of the workers said that no responsible has appeared to hear and address their demands.
The workers stressed that they will continue the protests until they get a convincing answer. 

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Three labour activists transferred to the Central Prison of Mahabad

Vahed Sayedeh and Mohammad Molanai, detained labour activists and members of the Coordinating Committee to Help Form Workers´ Organizations were transferred to the Central Prison of Mahabad City on 20th January.
Yusof Ab Kharabat the other member of this committee was transferred to the same prison on January 17th.
These labour activists were arrested about 20 days ago and their cases have not been brought to court yet.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Behnam Ebrahim Zadeh provisionally released on bail

Behnam Ebrahim Zadeh the labour and children’s rights activist and a member of the “Committee to Follow-up on formation of Free Trade unions in Iran” was released at 8 PM on January 20th.

He is released on parole and a bail amount of 200 Million Toman for four days.He accepted the release conditions only to be able to spend some time with his 14 years old son in hospital, who is suffering leukemia and under treatment.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Behnam Ebrahim Zadeh visited his son in hospital

Behnam Ebrahim Zadeh the labour and children’s rights activist and a member of the “Committee to Follow-up on formation of Free Trade unions in Iran” were taken to hospital to visit his son. His son is suffering leukemia and is under treatment in Tehran city.  
Nima is the only child of Behnam and at the age of fourteen; he was admitted to Children's Hospital Cancer Center in Tehran about eleven days ago. The physicians advise that the presence of his Father can help him through the chemotherapy phase.   

After Behnam was informed by his wife about the illness of his son, he applied to be released on parole and his family provided as requested by the authorities some certificate of title as bail in the amount of 200 Million Toman, but the judiciary authorities postpone his case from day to day.

After all he was today taken to the hospital to visit his son for half an hour and returned to prison immediately afterwards.
Behnam was arrested in June 2010 and is sentenced to five years of imprisonment.

Die Familienmitglieder der inhaftierten Arbeiteraktivisten versammelten sich vor dem Büro des Geheimdienstes.

Die Familienmitglieder der inhaftierten Arbeiteraktivisten versammelten sich vor dem Büro des Geheimdienstes.
Die Familienmitglieder der inhaftierten Arbeiteraktivisten und Mitglieder des Koordinationskomitees zur Schaffung von Arbeiterorganisationen Yusof Ab Kharabat, Vahed Sayedeh und Mohammad Molanai versammelten sich am 10.Januar vor dem Geheimdienstgebäude der Stadt Mahabad. Sie forderten die Freilassung der inhaftierten Arbeiter. Dabei wurden sie von den Geheimdienstmitarbeitern beleidigt und bedroht.
Seit der Inhaftierung hatte nur Vahed Sayedeh ein kurzes Telefongespräch mit seiner Familie und bat um  Kleidung für ihn. Es ist unklar, ob die Inhaftierten über die gegen sie vorliegenden Punkte überhaupt informiert worden sind.

Yusof Ab Kharabat, Vahed Sayedeh und Mohammad Molanai  innerhalb einer Woche verhaftet
Arbeiteraktivisten und Mitglieder des Koordinationskomitees zur Schaffung von Arbeiterorganisationen wurden  innerhalb einer Woche in das Büro des Geheimdienstes der Stadt Mahabad vorgeladen und nicht wieder nach Hause zurückgekehrt.

Reza Shahabi beendet seinen Hungerstreik nach 22 Tagen

Reza Shahabi wurde am 07. Januar, 10:45 Uhr aus dem Gefängnis freigelassen. Während er das Gefängnis verließ, applaudierten Mitgefangene und sangen Lieder des Aufstandes.
Shahabi wurde nur für 5 Tage freigelassen, nachdem er einen 22-tägigen Hungerstreik hinter sich hatte und die Einnahme jedweder Medizin abgelehnt hatte. Zu Hause, im Kreise seiner Familie und Freunde angekommen, beendete er seinen Hungerstreik.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Family members of arrested Labour activist gathered in front of the intelligent service office

The Family members of the arrested Labour activist and members of the Coordinating Committee to help Workers´ Organizations, Yusof Ab Kharabat, Vahed sayedeh and Mohammad Molanai gathered on January 10th in front of the intelligent service office of city Mahabad. They demanded the release of arrested workers, but were insulted and threatened by the agents.
Since the arrests only Vahed sayedeh had a short phone call with his family and asked for clothes.
It is not clear whether the arrested labour activists have been informed of the accusations.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Yusof Ab Kharabat arrested

Yusof Ab Kharabat, Labour activist and member of the Coordinating Committee to help Workers´ Organizations was summoned to the intelligent service office of city Mahabad. He has not returned home, since his appearance on January 8th at 10: 30 AM in the intelligent service office.   

He is the third member of the Coordinating Committee, who is arrested by the intelligent service of city Mahabad during this week.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Reza Shahabi released and ended his hunger strike after 22 days

Reza was released at 10:45 PM on January 7th
He left the prison, while other prisoners cheered and sang uprising songs.
He is released for 5 days and after 22 days of hunger strike and refusal of taking any medicine. Reza broke his hunger strike at home and among his family members and friends. 

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Ali Nejati once more intrrogated

Ali Nejati, board member of Haft-Tapeh Sugar Cane workers union was put on trial by the revolutionary court of city of Sanandaj.  He was released on a one million Toman bail and also had to hand off his pay check to the authorities.
He has been earlier summoned and interrogated by the Branch 2 of the Revolutionary court in the city of Susa. He is charged of acting against national security by contacting the Kurdistan Workers and singing songs in Lorry language (spoken language in province Lorestan in of western Iran, amidst the Zagros Mountains). 

Vahed sayedeh summoned by intelligent office

Vahed sayedeh, member of coordinating committee to help form workers’ organizations had been summoned to the intelligent office of the city Mahabad. He was interrogated for many hours and released afterwards. He has to appear again on January 10th at this office.

Mohammad Molanai arrested

Mohammad Molanai, member of coordinating committee to help form workers’ organizations had been summoned to the intelligent office of the city Mahabad. He has not returned home since his appearance in that office on January 6th.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Communiqué number 46 of “Reza Shahabi Defense Committee“ Reza shahabi still on hunger strike

Communiqué number 46 of “Reza Shahabi Defense Committee“
Reza shahabi still on hunger strike

Reza Shahabi insists on continuing his hunger strike and refusal of medical treatment until his demand is fulfilled.
He has announced that he will end his strike only outside of prison and after his release for medical treatment.
The family of Shahabi reports after a visit with him that he has lost at least 10 kg weight during the last 13 days and he suffered under raised blood pressure, but he still refuses to intake any medicine.
Shahabi was informed by his family about a letter signed by 22 labour activists, in which they asked him to end his hunger strike. Reza Shahabi expressed his gratefulness to all those labour activists, who care for him and his family, even so he insisted on continuing his hunger strike until the fulfillment of his demand.   
The security against contacted the family of Reza Shahabi and told them to deposit some certificate of title as guarantee (bail) for his release on first of January 2013.
Reza voiced his appreciation in a verbal message to all of workers, labour organization and activists inside and outside of Iran, who have supported him by spreading the information about his condition and by organizing protest actions. The members of Reza Shahabi defense committee also expressed their sincere appreciation for all the support.