Friday, August 23, 2013

رضا شهابى : نقش كارگران پيشرو و فعالان كارگرى در جنبش كارگرى ايران

: رضا شهابى 
 كارگران آگاه، پيشرو و فعالين كارگرى در راه احقاق حقوق به حق كارگران در شرايط كنونى جامعه بايد در بين كارگران    خدماتى، شركتى، صنايع و كارگران ميدانى و فصلى حضور پيدا كنند
و آنها را نسبت به شرايط به وجود آمده  مثل گراني، بيكاري، نبود امنيت شغلي و علت بوجود آمدن اين بحران ها آگاه كنند و با تهيه  نشريات و بولتن هاي كارگري راه و روش مبارزه صنفي و رسيدن به مطالبات قانوني به كارگران را آموزش دهند و كارگران آگاه و پيشرو بايد از طريق آموزش و آگاه دادن به كارگران تمامي صنوف، تشكل هاي كارگري را در كشور رواج دهند تا .مطالبات صنفي و سياسي خودشان را پيگيري كنند

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Reza Shahabi on Medical Treatment strike

Reza Shahabi was also attacked as recently the security forces raided the section 350 of Evin-prison and physical abused and assaulted the prisoners.
They tugged Reza Shahabi and threw him violently out of bed by holding his feet. This brutal act intensified the back and leg pain of Reza.
Despite this situation the chief of sick ward of prison refuse to send him and other political prisoners to a hospital out of the prison with the feeble excuses such as: the minimum number of requests is not reached or you simulate. Even accessing the sick ward in prison means many body searches, insult and offense.

In protest against these conditions Reza Shahabi started a Medical Treatment Refusal beginning August 11, 2013.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Three labour activists sentenced to imprisonment

The “revolutionary court” of Mahabad city sentenced Yusof Ab Kharabat, Vahed Sayedeh and Mohammad Molanai, labour activists and members of the Coordinating Committee to help Workers´ Organizations, each to two years in prison. The labour activists were arrested in January 2013.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Strike at Mehvarsazan Company in South Pars

The workers of Mehvarsazan company are since July 31st on strike in protest against their unpaid wages for three months. 
Although, the employer received a 9 million Toman payment from its customer “South Pars” for the project Pars Oil & Gas Field Development in Special Economy Energy Zone- Iran, but refused to pay the workers’ wages. The Management argued that we have to put this payment in other projects.

Mehvarsazan is a Private Joint Stock company in the field of Engineering and Construction of oil & gas refineries and petrochemical factories.